Blackthorne and What if's
So apparently there is a huge floating island of waste in the Pacific, that we can see from space (although what can't you see from space now? except for Waldo). What if we melted that plastic down into a gigantic surf board?! So ... we can send nano-bots into space using a space elevator of buckyballs, and have them coordinate themselves into a mirror that focuses sunbeams at the trash island. Or maybe just use the nanobots to decompose and fuse the heap, but then they might do the same to all biomatter on the planet which could get hairy. To make it easier to get the nanobots into space we could make tiny balloons of super light rigid bubbles containing vacuums that cause them to float to the top of the atmosphere, then use subtle properties of electromagnets to make it into orbit. Alternatively we could use all the magnetic waste on the hudge to create a super electromagnet, then dump a powder into the Pacific that turns it into a ferofluid, and create huge ferofluid spikes that ride into space. We can charge for inner-tubing up the center of the ferofluid spike into space and use the proceeds to create a giant surf board for riding back down.
This was lunch conversation with my two managers at a great hot dog place that serves every hotdog. I had a greek and WV hotdog which are both making me hungry now just thinking about the coleslaw and bacon or black olives and feta cheese (even though I don't like cheese). I love all the great places to eat nearby the Genome Institute.
Another good place to eat is the Blackthorne where I had dinner aka "Happy Hour" with many of my coworkers and managers. Amazingly for me there were free refills on non-alcoholic drinks, and plenty of famous pizza to go around. It was a blast with time flying from 5 all the way until 9. I enjoyed swapping crazy stories about highschool and college which you would definitely need to ask me about in a non-public chat system (or in person if people still do that now-a-days). There were also darts, air-hockey, arcade systems, and a the-rock-slides-across-a-sandy-surface game. I would definitely go back there, or anywhere around St. Louis, for the semi-frequent 'Happy Hour's where I'm free to drink Mt. Dew and talk about Starcraft with "the occasional" nerdy coworker.
Good evening to you all who think the night is still young, but for me -
To bed!
This was lunch conversation with my two managers at a great hot dog place that serves every hotdog. I had a greek and WV hotdog which are both making me hungry now just thinking about the coleslaw and bacon or black olives and feta cheese (even though I don't like cheese). I love all the great places to eat nearby the Genome Institute.
Another good place to eat is the Blackthorne where I had dinner aka "Happy Hour" with many of my coworkers and managers. Amazingly for me there were free refills on non-alcoholic drinks, and plenty of famous pizza to go around. It was a blast with time flying from 5 all the way until 9. I enjoyed swapping crazy stories about highschool and college which you would definitely need to ask me about in a non-public chat system (or in person if people still do that now-a-days). There were also darts, air-hockey, arcade systems, and a the-rock-slides-across-a-sandy-surface game. I would definitely go back there, or anywhere around St. Louis, for the semi-frequent 'Happy Hour's where I'm free to drink Mt. Dew and talk about Starcraft with "the occasional" nerdy coworker.
Good evening to you all who think the night is still young, but for me -
To bed!
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